
#FASHION: Local labels with sustainability practices

THE United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action for countries to protect planet Earth while pursuing prosperity.

Various industries across the globe have taken the initiative to support the 17 goals to achieve sustainability by 2030. For example, numerous players in the fashion industry have embarked on sustainable practices that align with the SDGs' 169 targets, especially those in SDG 12 and 13: responsible consumption and production, and climate action, respectively.

Locally, we also witness the growth of fashion and lifestyle brands that place great importance on sustainability.

Here are six brands that may resonate well with consumers who are passionate about supporting sustainable fashion in Malaysia.

HANYA (shophanya.com)

Co-founded by Tan Veen Dee and Jaja Anuar, with extensive experience in fashion marketing, Hanya puts in a lot of effort in minimising waste.

Up-cycling is a core value that the label upholds. Aside from eliminating single-use packaging and recycling its own production waste, Hanya also offers an exclusive up-cycled category which repurposes unsold items so that the clothes are given a new lease of life, and they do not end up being disposed of in landfills.

Tan is clear about her mission. "Maybe other fashion companies are tight-lipped about their low STR (sell-through rate)," she says.

"But I believe in transparency. Some items have been on our shelves for almost a year, and the industry practice is to dispose of and burn them. But it hit me that this may also be an opportunity.

"Rather than disposing of the items and harming our environment, my design team and I have breathed new life into these pieces and created a category that will make sure we stay closer to our core."

Tan says the millennial consumers are in tune with purposeful fashion, and they find themselves being loyal to companies that mirror their own green consciousness.

"It is not about a trend-based marketing strategy, but rather a pledge Hanya has undertaken with all our upcoming collections that sees an STR of below 40-55 per cent to up-cycle the remaining items into new pieces that get a second life."

She says although Hanya is far from completely eradicating the harmful side effects of fast fashion, this initiative helps towards a greener manufacturing practice.

TERRAE (shopterrae.com)

With the tagline "Activewear meets purpose", Terrae, derived from the Latin word terra (meaning Earth), is all about high-impact activity and low-environmental footprints.

It uses sustainable alternatives, such as recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET), a fabric made of recycled post-consumer plastic bottles; econyl regenerated nylon, a 100 per cent recycled fibre made from discarded fishing nets found in the ocean along with other plastic waste; and, certified organic cotton.

"We believe that the clothes on your back should be made by people who are treated and paid fairly for their time and efforts.

"We continuously strive to work with manufacturing partners who share our vision and are committed to ethical trade," the brand says on its website.

The brand also makes products that last to prevent over-consumption.

"We design thoughtful pieces that aren't just beautiful and timeless, but also withstand time. All our products are wear-tested and individually signed off to ensure the perfect fit."

KUALESA (kualesa.co)

Kualesa offers comfort for the body and conscience as its apparels are made from bamboo lyocell, which is breathable and sustainable.

Not only that, for every order made, the label is committed to planting a tree in the Malaysian rainforest to offset carbon emission and reinstate biodiversity.

Lyocell is the process of cutting wood, then crushing, soaking and spinning it to make a super soft fabric. The solvents used to soak the wood are non-toxic and can be re-used in production in what's known as a closed-loop process.

In Kualesa's bamboo lyocell manufacturing, 99 per cent of the chemicals and water used are reclaimed and reused in the next stage of the production process, greatly reducing water consumption.

EARTH HEIR (earthheir.com)

Known for its heritage fashion accessories, Earth Heir, founded by Sasibai Kimis, is a social enterprise collaborating with traditional artisans and refugees in Malaysia to build sustainable livelihoods for underserved communities.

Fair trade-certified with the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO), Earth Heir also provides advisory services for organisations seeking to create sustainable impact with the communities.

The brand supports artisans in underserved communities — it champions their unique craftsmanship with holistic ethical business operations, including education, collaborative design partnerships, production and supply chain training, market access, financial support and fair trade commercial practices.

The brand says its hope is for artisans to become independent, up-skilled and able to develop sustainable livelihoods.

THE MODEST BRAND (www.themodestbrand.co)

With eco-consciousness being one of The Modest Brand's core values, the athleisure wear brand optimises the use of recycled polyester, recycled nylon and recycled cotton. Its products are environmentally friendly while its packaging are biodegradable.

WANZAR (www.wanzar.com.my)

Local fashion house Wanzar makes a bold move in sustainable fashion with its new casual womenswear line, made with 100 per cent organic cotton.

Featuring loose cuts inspired by the baju kurung, this eco-friendly collection is a play on the force of nature — with oversized tops and ankle-length pants that are airy, light and perfect, even in the Malaysian heat.

The down-to-earth nature of the line is certain to please a growing number of consumers who practise environmentally conscious lifestyle and who are looking for the perfect blend of style and sustainability.

Using sustainably sourced organic cotton, the fashion brand also manifests the practice of mix-matching clothes and nurturing fashion that's versatile.

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