
#TECH: Malaysians can test the unlaunched HONOR Magic5 Pro

KUALA LUMPUR: HONOR Malaysia recently launched the HONOR Magic5 Pro Experience Officer campaign, adding to the hype of its soon-to-be-launched dual flagship at Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023.

The event invites Malaysians to participate in an exclusive first-time review to experience the unlaunched HONOR Magic5 Pro.

Participants will have the opportunity to understand the product development process as well as experience the brand-new Magic OS 7.0 system. 

The campaign is open to avid smartphone users that are familiar with smartphone photography and active on social media. 

Applications to join the 'Share Your Experience & Win' programme will be closed on February 23, 2023, with the experience period taking place from February 28 until April 24. Participants will experience the HONOR Magic5Pro's camera, screen display, battery endurance, operating system and performance.

The chosen HONOR Experiencers will be required to complete weekly tasks throughout the testing period by sharing their magical experience on their social media platforms. 

The top 30 HONOR Experiencers with the highest scores by the end of the campaign will win a HONOR Magic5 Pro for free, with the chance to be selected as a spokesperson for the campaign.


The 'Share Your Experience & Win' programme aims to demonstrate HONOR's consumer-centric values by prioritising their customer's feedback first.

Recruiting Experience Officers before the official product launch is unconventional, but important to receive genuine feedback from actual users, according to HONOR.

The campaign also allows HONOR to understand the usage habits of local users, and directs the brand's resources to provide relevant technological advancements for the HONOR Magic5 Pro.


Following the success of the HONOR Magic4 Pro last year, HONOR will launch the new HONOR Magic5 Series at MWC Barcelona 2023, the grandest stage for all things gadgets on a global scale.

As one of the world's leading technology brands, HONOR is committed to implementing innovative technology in its smartphones. 

The Magic series represents HONOR's ultimate exploration in the future of technology and fulfils the growing demands of customers who desire better technological innovations. 

The HONOR Magic5 Series will bring in a couple of features that will test the limits of current industry-leading innovations, making its arrival something to be excited for this year. 

Join the HONOR Share Your Experience & Win programme and unleash the power of magic here.

For the latest news surrounding the upcoming HONOR Magic5 Pro, visit its website

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