
French lawyer Gilles Dever leads collective complaint alleging Israel's actions as genocide to International Criminal Court

KUALA LUMPUR: Veteran French lawyer Gilles Dever has taken the lead in a collective complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), alleging that the actions carried out by Israel amount to the criminal offence of genocide.

A lawyer, Mehdi Messai said on his Instagram account that the report on the genocide complaint at the ICC was filed by 300 French and international lawyers with the support of associations around Maître Gilles Devers.

Devers, depicted in the video, said, "We are here to act as a lawyers vis-à-vis the Court, vis-à-vis the prosecutor and to convey that we have witnessed what was happening, justifying the complaint for genocide."

"We are also here for the Palestinians to tell them, you now have an army of lawyers. There are 300 lawyers from around the world that we have gathered. Within 10 days, we have a potential for a total of 3,000 lawyers to join.

"Regardless of what happens, the cause of the Palestinians will be heard in all courts, international or national," Devers assured.

He said the doors were open for all those who wanted to testify against Israeli crimes.

"We have collaborated with associations, ensuring global coverage. Lawyers are joining our cause from every corner of the world, from Australia to Brazil, passing through Pakistan, encompassing all of Europe, Africa, Canada. We will demonstrate that our network is capable of submitting this complaint within the next ten days.

"The initiators of this complaint intend to go all the way with their approach, at a time when Israeli bombings have already claimed more than 11,000 lives, with nearly half of them being children," he added.

This initiative has received positive responses, with an average of social media users inquiring about the process to join as complainants and witnesses.

@TajineBusiness asserted "The initiative is so beautiful. There is still a bit of human left in this dog world!"

@Sara.Bellah said "Bravo and thank you my Dear Brother for your approach, to which I naturally associate and renew all my support."

@pb.avocat expressed gratitude "My Dear Brother, a huge thank you again for your initiative, your dedication and for allowing us to bring the voice of the Palestinians to the International Criminal Court ."

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