
Dattel Asia to arm businesses with Covid-19 consumer trends

KUALA LUMPUR: Regional consumer data and analytics company Dattel Asia Group has launched UPLIFT Malaysia, an initiative to empower 10,000 businesses with actionable insights on the latest consumer behaviour through a RM50 million data fund. 

The company said the initiative aims to help individuals who have lost jobs or businesses that are being impacted by the recent economic downturn to recuperate sustainably.

"We aspire to uplift 10,000 companies and nurture business communities that are more #celikdata (data-savvy) in the country. 

"For you to have a competitive edge in business, you need a reliable source of data that continuously gives you new perspectives of the market," Dattel Asia chief executive officer Ashran Ghazi said in a statement.

He said one of the inspirations in setting up the initiative came about when he met entrepreneurs who were struggling with the abrupt shift in consumers' behaviour due to the Covid-19 outbreak. 

"The behavioural shifts caused many consumer-facing businesses to be uncertain about how, or even if, they should respond to the changes. 

"With so many changes happening at an unprecedented rate, companies do not have the necessary insights that are up-to-date and comprehensive for them to pivot their business or marketing strategy," Ashran added.

Dattel Asia has partnered with several industry players to launch the initiative, whose primary  goal is to ensure that businesses in Malaysia have the necessary access to accurate data which are usually made available only to large companies. 

Applications for the UPLIFT data fund are open to individuals and companies, notably those interested in consumer-facing businesses like retail, fashion, food and beverage, fitness, beauty and health.

The company said successful applicants would be able to access consumer data and a RM5,000 training package, along with weekly updates on consumer Covid-19 sentiment and behaviour patterns.

Access to the consumer data package is limited to 10,000 eligible applicants.

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