
Special classes for flood evacuees' children at school-cum-relief shelter in Pekan

PEKAN: Learning remains a priority for children taking shelter from flood at SK Temai, which now doubles up as a relief shelter for affected villagers here.

Despite the school compound being under 2m of floodwaters, nothing has stopped classes from being conducted on the upper floors.

Two special teams, called the Smart Support Team (SST) and Academic Support Team (AST), have been deployed to the school to provide counseling sessions and hold special lessons to children.

District deputy education officer Nordin Jais said the term "schools closed due to floods" did not mean that there was a complete stop of learning.

He said the SST members, led by school counsellors, would meet and speak to children to ensure they were not emotionally affected by the floods.

"It is not easy for pupils to deal with the flood as it can be a little traumatic for them. The counsellors, arranged by the district counseling teacher's council, are on hand to ensure the situation is under control.

"AST is responsible in conducting lessons suitable with the current situation to ensure the children are not left behind or completely miss their lessons.

"The contents include colouring and games for young children. There are quizzes, puzzles and basic calculations for the primary school pupils," he said when met today.

Nordin said the lessons might not be similar to the subjects taught in normal classrooms, but the students would have an opportunity to get some knowledge.

"Lessons are mainly tailored for young children, primary and secondary pupils seeking shelter at the flood relief centre.

"Since, it is part of the National Blue Ocean Strategy programme, representatives from other agencies will join in our activities.

"For example, government nurses will give talks on healthy eating habits and firemen will share safety tips when facing floods.

"Our aim is to ensure their (children) at the relief centre is filled with useful activities," he said, adding that the students were not required to wear uniforms.

Nordin said other schools involved in this programme were SK Merchong and SK Kampung Acheh.

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