
Waterspout sighting is proof that tornadoes exist

THE recent sighting of a waterspout by motorists on the Penang Bridge is evidence that tornadoes exist in this country, especially during the inter-monsoon season when thunderstorms are aplenty.

This hazard needs to be addressed by the authorities.

Unlike in temperate countries where large storm systems, called super-cells, can produce powerful tornadoes that can run for hours and dozens of kilometres, thunderstorms in this country can produce the weakest category of tornadoes, from just several seconds to a few minutes, but still wreak havoc.

Several years ago, a short-lived tornado hit a night market, ripping apart several tents, while others were lifted up.

The unfortunate incident, it was reported, killed one person hurt several others.

It is important to stay indoors during a thunderstorm.


Kuala Lumpur

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