
#Showbiz: Umar misses actor father Hafidz Roshdi

KUALA LUMPUR: "Mother, buy me a robot abah (father) from Shopee," said actor Hafidz Roshdi's youngest son, Umar, to his mother, Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri, as he misses the presence of a father in his life.

Nurul Shuhada, 30, said she didn't want her son to feel like there was a lack of fatherly love and hoped that Hafidz would be responsible and committed.

"I hope that he will be committed because they are his children too. I want the children to feel that they also have a father, even though they are not the same as other people. At least, they'll feel the presence of a father.

"Umar has always been asking to buy a robot abah and I'm tired of it. I don't want him to feel like that. I want us to work together so that the children don't feel a lack of love," she said in a Harian Metro report today.

Nurul Shuhada added that Umar also once asked to 'borrow' his cousin's father

"Maybe Umar is still small, so when he sees his cousins ​​with their father, he also wants to have a father.

"Once he went to a cousin and said he wanted to borrow his father. You feel sorry for the children, right? When it comes to children, I'm a little sensitive," she said.

When asked if Hafidz had contacted his children, Nurul Shuhada said that he made a video call last night.

"I didn't hear their conversation because I wanted them to have privacy to talk to their father. But, maybe what I heard was that Humairah asked for something expensive because it had been a very long time. Maybe the children had asked for things from him, I guess," she said.

On providing child support for the children, Nurul Shuhada said that the amount had increased.

"Just increased slightly, RM200 per child compared to RM100 for a child before.

"I can't depend on my parents completely because they are also retired. But they both help to look after my children, thank God," she said.

Hafidz and Nurul Shuhada got married in 2016. They have two children, Humairah, 7, and Umar, 4.

It was previously reported that on Feb 22 last year, Hafidz had divorced Nurul Shuhada with a single talak over the phone in front of their families.

Nurul Shuhada filed for confirmation of the divorce at the Syariah High Court in Shah Alam in February last year.

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