
President's Office Secretariat can help strengthen Anwar, PKR, says analyst

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR's newly established President's Office Secretariat could help strengthen the party and bring fresh voices into its decision-making processes, says a socio-political analyst.

Associate Professor Dr Awang Azman Awang Pawi of Universiti Malaya said the unit appeared to be inclusive and diverse, allowing for better representation of voices in the multiracial party.

"This could lead to more well-rounded decision-making," he told the New Straits Times.

Awang Azman was commenting on the formation of the five-member President's Office Secretariat to help address issues that crop up in the country's political landscape.

Yesterday, PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the secretariat will help to determine the party's direction and facilitate activities at all levels of PKR.

The secretariat's members include Datuk Romli Ishak, Onn Abu Bakar, Sim Tze Tzin, Manivanan Gowin, and Juwairiya Zulkifli.

"This initiative could help Anwar and PKR by demonstrating a commitment to grassroots involvement and democracy within the party.

"This in turn can strengthen their appeal to voters and supporters."

Professor James Chin from the University of Tasmania's Asia Institute said the initiative appeared similar to Britain's Number 10 Policy Unit set up in 1974 to assist then prime minister Harold Wilson.

Chin said the President's Office Secretariat would likely help Anwar and PKR deal with political issues.

"My initial thought is that this is probably due to the recent socks controversy. Perhaps there is a belief that they need a central point to deal with these issues rather than a wider, leadership council."

Chin said the group will likely report directly to Anwar and help him carry out political work.

"What's important is that those involved (in the secretariat) are empowered to do their work."

Nusantara Academy for Strategic Research senior fellow Dr Azmi Hassan also said the diversified composition of the group would benefit Anwar, who is also Prime Minister.

"It is good for Anwar, he is very open to suggestions," Azmi said, adding this could be similar to the advisory body Anwar set up to assist him in his role as Finance Minister.

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