
Tun Faisal joins Bersatu

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Umno Putrajaya deputy division chief Datuk Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz has confirmed that he has joined Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) today.

Tun Faisal who was fired from Umno last January, said, he is expected to receive the membership certificate from Bersatu President, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin at the State Election Machinery Launch Ceremony of Perikatan Nasional Negri Sembilan in Seremban, tonight.

Tun Faisal, who is also the former press secretary of former Ketereh member of parliament Tan Sri Annuar Musa, said he chose to join Bersatu after considering the role he could play in the party compared to Pas.

"I am a person who believes in a congregation or working in an organisation, so I need to be in an organisation to help the cause I believe in.

"Actually for me, Pas or Bersatu are the same because both are under PN. However, looking at the aspect in Putrajaya, a place I am familiar with, the MP is from Bersatu (Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin).

"So, I believe I can play a greater role in Bersatu than Pas, especially in providing input related to local issues and at the same time, strengthening Bersatu in this area," he told BH today.

Tun Faisal was dismissed from Umno with immediate effect last January after it was decided through the Umno Supreme Working Council meeting.

The action was taken after Tun Faisal who loudly criticised Umno leadership, was said to violate the ethics of Umno members based on the party's constitution.

When asked if there are many other former Umno members or current Umno members who will follow in his footsteps, He said some of them are waiting for the right time.

"Many want to change directions; they are waiting to see who wants to go first."Some still wish to remain in Umno, they are just not supporters of the president (Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) and are waiting for the time to replace him," he said.

He also claimed that Umno is no longer a party that fights for race, religion and homeland, but rather protects the interests of individuals and as long as Umno is led by Ahmad Zahid, the party will be rejected by the people.

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