
Running in the name of charity and unity - MUR 2017

SEPANG: About 40,000 youths from 60 universities and colleges took part in the Malaysians United Run (MUR) 2017 at Sepang International Circuit, here.

Organised by Onn Jaafar Institute (IOJ), the 5km run was aimed at raising funds for the underprivileged children to help them create a better life.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Onn, who is also the IOJ patron, said the event encouraged the spirit of volunteerism among the youths as well as strengthened the unity of people of all races and background.

“MUR is a sporting event with a deeper cause, where we believe that every child deserves to live a quality life. IOJ strive to champion a greater cause by uniting society to work together towards a common goal and encouraging the spirit of volunteerism.

“IOJ has been established for three years and although it is still young, I am proud of its success in organising a charity drive. I am also glad to see many university students nationwide gather at this event to support the cause.

“IOJ will contribute RM250,000 to help 50 underprivileged children including orphans, the disabled and those from poor families,” he said at the event.

Hishammuddin said IOJ has been organising various charity works but did not publicise it as he wanted to ensure the process ran smoothly.

“The institute bears my grandfather’s name, so I want to ensure the work is on the right foundation and its objectives and intention are noble. I also want to ensure that my grandfather’s good name is protected. If he was around, he would be proud of all the volunteers for working so hard,” he said.

Themed ‘Let’s Light Up Our Children’s Future’. MUR has been recognized as the ‘Largest Youth Participated’ event by the Brand Laureate.

Also present was IOJ chief executive officer Charles Mohan.

Mohan said the funds raised from sponsors such as Sapura, Techtrend and Weststar, among others, would be managed by the committees consisting of representatives from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and KDU University College.

“Each adoptive committee will manage at least one case, ensuring the funds are used for education of the children over a period of one year.

“So all parties will benefit from this, as the committee gain experience in managing small charity cases, the children were given attention and sponsors know their funds are being used to the fullest,” said Mohan.


keywords - youths, Malaysians United Run, MUR, Sepang International Circuit, charity, unity, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein

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