
Mystery surrounding discarded food items in Temerloh sparks outrage [WATCH]

TEMERLOH: Images and videos of the allegedly disposed and burning sacks of rice and cans of sardines, as well as large amounts of unopened packages of tea at a garbage disposal site in Temerloh, have been making the rounds on social media recently.

In the viral Facebook and TikTok posts, the location where the incident took place was said to be on the shortcut route of the Rumpun Makmur-Kampung Gunung Senyum area.

It is understood that the images began circulating after being uploaded by several social media users on Facebook and TikTok who happened to be passing by the area.

The situation has led to many negative comments and various assumptions as to why this occurred, including speculation about the shortage of local white rice (BPT) in the market currently.

So far, no one has claimed responsibility for this wasteful act.

Based on information from reliable sources, the rice and other food items were discarded because they had expired and spoiled after being stored for too long.

A social media user alleged that this was an act carried out by a politician who had lost in the 15th General Election.

The social media user alleged that the food items were supposed to be distributed to flood victims in the Temerloh and Maran districts back in January.

However, as of now, no one has come forward to admit or deny these allegations.

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