
#TECH: Traditional vs virtual ang pows

THE Chinese look forward to the Lunar New Year every year. From Chinese treats to red decorations, nothing screams "luck" more than the day itself.

Although a particular "treat" in a red packet is the sole reason why we go back to our hometown in the first place, having it given to us by our elders makes it more meaningful.

But do people still give out ang pows face to face or are they using technology to do it?


Since ang pows are presented at social and family gatherings, especially during Chinese New Year, Joshua Zen, 29, believes that the physical aspect of gift-giving should be retained.

"Virtual ang pows have been a point of convenience created by banks and marketing agencies to let people transfer money without disclosing the amount (like a mystery transfer).

"Although it has been a thing for many years now, not many people use it for sending out ang pows because of the tradition that it bears."

Zen added that ang pows have always been something to enjoy when celebrated physically, so digitising it would be seen as going against tradition.

"The trend of sending virtual ang pows picked up during the pandemic since no one was allowed to go out.

"But since we're getting back to normalcy, I expect the act of giving ang pows will be the same," he said.

Meanwhile, Wong Wai Kit, 27, said: "Although traditional ang pows are better, virtual ang pows are more convenient, especially during the pandemic or when we couldn't go back to our hometown."

Chin Kui Mei, 31, said we could look on the bright side of virtual ang pows as opposed to the traditional one, mainly in terms of convenience.

While she believes that traditional ang pows keeps the tradition alive, it would be easier if it was transferred to her account since the ang pows would be banked in.

"Even though virtual ang pows are less of a hassle, it's fun to receive actual ang pows.

"It's like being given a gift face to face. Aside from giving blessings to others, you can also instil politeness in children towards their elders."


Since the act of transferring virtual ang pows started during the pandemic, many went on a hunt for the right platform to send out their red packets of blessings.

The majority of them opted for the Maybank App.

"I received traditional ang pows from my family members that I live with, but I received virtual ones from my friends and siblings during the lockdown through the Maybank App," Zen said.

Meanwhile, the Touch 'n Go e-wallet App is the next best bet for sending virtual ang pows for Wong and Chin.

Chin added that it is easier since it requires only the other person's number and that she could add Chinese New Year phrases in the reference section.


This year, Touch n' Go has included a new ang pow feature, Money Packet, that lets you send money packets to friends and family.

Just add in the quantity you'd like to give, the total amount and Chinese New year wishes.

Maybank also has an e-Ang Pow feature that does the same thing.

Users can scan and pay e-Angpao, send e-Angpao or send e-Greetings to people on their contact list or someone close.

While she believes that traditional ang pows keeps the tradition alive, it would be easier if it is transferred to her account since the ang pows would be banked in.

"Even though virtual ang pows are less of a hassle, it's fun to receive actual ang pows.

"It's like being given a gift face to face. Aside from giving blessings to others, you can also instil politeness in children towards their elders," she said.


Since the act of transferring virtual ang pows started during the pandemic, many went on a hunt for the right platform to send out their red packets of blessings.

The majority of them opted for the Maybank App.

"I received traditional ang pows from my family members that I live with, but I received virtual ones from my friends and siblings during the lockdown through the Maybank App," Zen said.

Meanwhile, the Touch 'n Go e-wallet App is the next best bet for sending virtual ang pows for Wong and Chin.

Chin added that it is easier since it requires only the other person's number and that she could add Chinese New Year phrases in the reference section.


This year, Touch n' Go has included a new ang pow feature, Money Packet, that lets you send money packets to friends and family.

Just add in the quantity you'd like to give, the total amount and Chinese New year wishes.

Maybank also has an e-Ang Pow feature that does the same thing.

Users can scan and pay e-Angpao, send e-Angpao or send e-Greetings to people on their contact list or someone close.

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